Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Don't Tell Me..... Summer's Over Already?

I don't know what to make of the weather, I'm thinking it's all a cruel joke. The Chicago winter (when it snowed at least every other day from November to the end of March) seemed to last until July, then it warmed up just a bit. I used my air conditioning for only three days in August and, now, September 2nd feels like late October. So, what? Summer's over already?

One of the things I like best about summer is going to the farmer's market and buying fresh, organic produce. Is that ending now too?

I guess I got the last good carrots of the season at the Deerfield Farmer's Market last Saturday. It's going to be a long winter!

Carrots: Canon EOS-5D, 28~105/3.5~4.5 Canon EF Ultrasonic lens, ISO 100


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